#180102 7
Sandstone seated figure of the god Mictlantecuhtli, associated with death; Aztec...
#180102 8
Detail of a turquois mosaic of a double-headed serpent, Aztec/Mixtec. It is carv...
#180102 9
Mosaic mask of Tezcatlipoca, one of the Aztec creator gods, also the god of rule...
Cast gold pendant of a winged shaman, from Popayán, Colombia, 100-1500. The figu...
Cast gold lime-flask of a seated female from Colombia, Quimbaya, c600-c1100 AD....
Stone bust of Quetzalcoatl, Aztec, from Mexico, 1325-1521. This sculpture repres...
Pre-Columbian pottery figurine seated with legs crossed and wearing helmet. Chor...
Stone stele depicting Mayan ruler "Kan Boar" ( K'an-Ak, 458-486) holding staff o...
Stone stele depicting Mayan ruler Stormy Sky II (Siyaj Chan K'awiil II, 411-456...
Stone carving with Maya script inscriptions from Tikal. The Maya script, common...
Stone carving with a depiction of what is believed to be rain god Tlaloc. Maya c...
Quipu or khipu - A system of knotted cords used by the Incas and its predecess...