#300402 7
"Codex vase" with glyphs concerning the young God of corn humiliating an olde...
#300402 8
Terracotta statue of a woman of high rank. From the necropolis on the island...
#300402 9
Stone sculpture,male - a warrior or god,carrying a small,skeletal figure li...
Stone sculpture,male - a warrior or god,carrying a small,skeletal figure like t...
Horizontal drum "Teponaztli",Aztec,with two animal heads on either side.Suc...
Coiled serpent,Aztec sculpture.Feathered serpents are typical of Aztec cul...
Statue of the God Quetzalcoatl.His name signifies the "feathered serpent"....
Maya female statue,stone.
Self-sacrifice of a high personage.Maya art.
Aztec human sacrifice,Mexico, 16th
Xochiquetzal,goddess of beauty,life,flowers and household.Late postclass...
Fragment of the Codex Tro-cortesiano II (Codex de Madrid).