813 photos
Christ holding a roll of scriptures.                   
Detail from scenes of the life of Christ.              
Carved ivory pyxis

Christ holding a roll of scriptures. Detail from scenes of th...

Paralytic walking away with his bed.                   
Detail from scenes of the life of Christ.              
Carved ivory pyxis

Paralytic walking away with his bed. Detail from scenes of th...

Saint Paul, holding a book, standing                   
under an arcade decorated with a shell.                
Detail from a book cover.                              
Ivory plaque

Saint Paul, holding a book, standing under an arcade decorate...

God orders Noah to build an ark. Detail of one of      
54 scenes from the Old and New Testament, from a       
"paliotto" the decorated altar frontal.                
Carved ivory plaque.

God orders Noah to build an ark. Detail of one of 54 scenes from the Old a...

Noah builds the Ark. One of 54 scenes from the Old     
and New Testament, from a "paliotto", the decorated    
altar frontal.                                         
Carved ivory plaque.

Noah builds the Ark. One of 54 scenes from the Old and New Testament, from...

God father. Detail (close-up) from one of 54 scenes    
from the Old and New Testament, from a "paliotto",     
the decorated altar frontal.                           
Carved ivory plaque.

God father. Detail (close-up) from one of 54 scenes from the Old and New Tes...

A raven sits on the roof of the floating Ark.          
Detail from one of 54 scenes of the Old and New        
Testament, from a "paliotto", the decorated altar      
Carved ivory plaque.

A raven sits on the roof of the floating Ark. Detail from one of 54 sc...

God locks the Ark. Detail of one of 54 scenes from     
the Old and New Testament, from a "paliotto", the      
decorated altar frontal.                               
Carved ivory plaque.

God locks the Ark. Detail of one of 54 scenes from the Old and New Testamen...

God orders Noah to leave the Ark. Detail of one of     
54 scenes from the Old and New Testament, from a       
"paliotto", the decorated altar frontal.               
Carved ivory plaque

God orders Noah to leave the Ark. Detail of one of 54 scenes from the Old a...

God orders Noah to leave the Ark. One of 54 scenes     
from the Old and New Testament, from a "paliotto",     
the decorated altar frontal. Close-up of 15-01-03/23.  
Carved ivory plaque

God orders Noah to leave the Ark. One of 54 scenes from the Old and New Tes...

Noah and his family offering thanks. The hand of       
God emerges from the sun. Detail of 54 scenes from     
the Old and New Testament, from a "paliotto", the      
decorated altar frontal.                               
Carved ivory plaque

Noah and his family offering thanks. The hand of God emerges from the sun...

Two virgins holding tapers. Mosaic from the 
narthex of the Hora Church, Istanbul. The church was   
founded in the 3rd century, later rebuilt by the       
logothete Theodore Metochites (first quarter 14th)     
who also ordered the mosaics to be made.
#150104 3

Two virgins holding tapers. Mosaic from the narthex of the Hora Church, Istanb...