813 photos
Seraph from the spandrels of the atrium, San Marco.

Seraph from the spandrels of the atrium, San Marco.

Cherubim from the spandrels of the atrium, San Marco.

Cherubim from the spandrels of the atrium, San Marco.

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the      
cupola: Saint Augustine; baptistery,San Marco.

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the cupola: Saint Augustine;...

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of          
the cupola: Saint Jerome (Hieronymus); baptistery,     
San Marco.

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the cupola: Saint Jerome...

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the      
cupola: Saint Gregory; baptistery, San Marco.

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the cupola: Saint Gregory; b...

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the      
cupola: Saint Ambrose; baptistery, San Marco.          
December 7th

The fathers of the church in the spandrels of the cupola: Saint Ambrose;...

An angel tells Saint Zachary that he will have a son.  
Zachary doubts and is struck dumb; he meets three 
men on his way home from the temple. 
Mosaic from the baptistery, San Marco.

An angel tells Saint Zachary that he will have a son. Zachary doubts and is s...

Jesus heals the haemophilic woman, detail of           
For more from Kariye Camii (Hora Church),see:          

Jesus heals the haemophilic woman, detail of 15-03-08/34....

The two blind men of Jericho under the mulberry tree.  
Detail of mosaics ordered by the Grand Legothete       
Methochites (1st quarter 14th) when he rebuilt         
the 3rd century Kariye "Chora" Church.

The two blind men of Jericho under the mulberry tree. Detail of mosaics ordere...

The massacre of the Innocents: a soldier pursues a fleeing mpther.

The massacre of the Innocents: a soldier pursues a fleeing mpther. Exonarthex

East Roman Emperor Justinian I                         
(482-565) with crown and sceptre.                      
#150302 1

East Roman Emperor Justinian I (482-565) with crown and...

Theoderic the Great's palace                           
and a view of Ravenna.                                 
Mosaic (6th CE)
#150302 2

Theoderic the Great's palace and a view of Ravenna....