The Apostle Saint Peter. Detail from "The Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane"...
The Apostle Saint Peter. Close-up of 15-03-03/55. Detail from "The Prayer in the...
The Apostle Saint John. Detail from "The Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane" Fre...
Jesus praying. Detail from "The Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane"" Fresco
Jesus speaking to the Apostles. Detail from "The Prayer in the Garden of Gethsem...
Judas kisses Jesus. Detail from "Judas' Betrayal" Fresco
Roman soldiers with torches. Detail from "Judas' Betrayal" Fresco
Jesus before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish Grand Council. Fresco
Two Roman soldiers. Detail from "Judas' Betrayal" Fresco
Saint Peter strikes off Malchus' ear. Detail from "Judas' Betrayal" Fresco
Jesus before Pilate, Jewish priests accusing him. Detail Fresco
The three High Priests. Detail from "Jesus before the Sanhedrin" Fresco