King Arthur rides to seek the Grail. Scene from the mosaic floor of the cat...
The Great Satan from the Gates of Hell. Mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otrant...
The Great Red Serpent of the Apocalypse (symbol of Satan) swallows a goat,...
After the Fall: Adam and Eve discovering their nakedness. From the mos...
The angel drives Adam and Eve from Paradise. From the mosaic floor of the cat...
A siren. From the presbytery. Mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
King Solomon. From the presbytery. Mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
Adam, Eve, and the snake. From the presbytery. Mosaic floor of the cathedral...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
The signs of the Zodiac from the mosaic floor of the cathedral of Otranto, s...
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The mosaic floor in the center nave of the cathedral of Otranto. Construction...