The Three Magi riding under the star of Bethlehem. Detail of 15-03-08/22...
Herod's murder of the innocents. Saint Elisabeth mother of John Baptist, with Jo...
King Herod Antipas on his throne. Exonarthex
King Herod The Great orders the Massacre of the Innocents. Exonarthex
Herod's soldiers pursue their victims. Exonarthex
Herod's soldiers killing the newborn. Exonarthex
Women mourn their slain children. Exonarthex
The Samaritan woman at the well. Exonarthex
The miracles: Jesus heals the mother of Petrus. Exonarthex
Jesus heals a young man with an injured arm. Narthex
Jesus heals the leper. Narthex
Jesus heals the haemophilic woman. Narthex