Saint Anne and Saint Joachim lead the Virgin towards the High priest...
The High priest greets Mary as she is brought to the Temple. Detail of 15...
Procession of the virgins as Mary is led before the High priest. Detail of 1...
Madonna and child from the naos.
Death of the Virgin Mary. As she lies on her deathbed, Christ gathers her soul...
Christ gathering his mother's soul in the form of a newborn babe. Detail o...
An angel carries heaven in form of a snail. Sun and moon are inside the...
Resurrection of the young man of Nain. From the paracclesion.
Fresco of the Anastasis from the paracclesion: Christ, descended into l...
Presentation in the temple,from the apse of Kalenderhane-mosque.Sime...
Christ Pantokrator, from the apse of Fethiye Camii (the former St.Mary Pamm...
Christ surrounded by prophets, from the cupola of Fethiye Camii, St.Mary P...