Madonna and child, flanked by Empress Irene and Emperor John II Komnenos...
Madonna and child, from the votive mosaic from the south gallery. Detail of...
Emperor John II Komnenos (1118-1143), from the votive mosaic in the south gall...
Empress Irene, holding the deed for the church's endowment, from the vot...
Alexios, son of Joannes II Komnenos and Empress Irene. Mosaic in the south gall...
Christ flanked by Emperor Constantine IX (1042-1054) and his wife the Empress...
Christ, from the votive mosaic in the south gallery of Hagia Sophia. Full mo...
Emperor John II Comnenus (1087-1143), holding the money-bag with the c...
Empress Zoe (1028-1050) holding the deed for the endowment of the church....
Elephant strangling a lion. Scene from the 250 sq.meter mosaic from the peristyl...
Villa in a garden.Scene from the 250 sq.m mosaic from the peristyle court of E...
Rider thrown and kicked by his horse. Scene from the 250 sq.meter mosaic from...