Portable icon: The Transfiguration of Christ Around 1200 or beginning of the 13...
#300110 1
Interior showing nave and altar of the basilica as well as Byzantine frescos. S...
#300110 2
Interior showing Byzantine frescos of the basilica. The frescos depict scenes...
#300110 3
Cain kills Abel, God brands Cain, God calls Noah. Fresco; Sant'Angelo in Formi...
#300110 4
Interior baptismal with font and part of the dome. Orthodox Baptistery, Ravenna...
#300110 5
Interior view of the Mausoleum Galla Palacidia with mosaic decoration of the cen...
#300110 6
Dome mosaic of the Baptism of Christ. Appropriate for a baptistery, the center...
#300110 7
Dome mosaic of the Baptism of Christ (detail). Appropriate for a baptistery, th...
#300110 8
Dome mosaic of the Baptism of Christ by John Baptist on the River Jordan surroun...
#300110 9
Mosaic showing Abel sacrificing a lamb and Melchizedek, Priest-King of Salem, s...
Mosaic of Moses loosening his sandal at God's command, who is speaking to him fr...
Ladies of the court of Empress Theodora, wife of Justinian I (Detail of the mosa...