813 photos
Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where    
the prophet Samuel is said to have sat in judgement.   
According to Jewish tradition, the site of the Muslim  
Shrine at Er Ram was the burial place of Samuel.

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where the prophet Samuel is sa...

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where    
the prophet Samuel is said to have sat in judgement.   
According to Jewish tradition, the site of the Muslim  
Shrine at Er Ram was the burial place of Samuel.

Er Ram - probably the biblical Ramah, Israel, where the prophet Samuel is sa...

The "Tetrarchs", Diocletian, his co-ruler Maximian and
their Caesars embracing, stood on two columns in
Constantinople. They were taken as booty to Venice
after the fall of Constantinople to the "Latins",
the cruisaders, in 1204. Red porphiry. Corner of Church
San Marco, Venice.

The "Tetrarchs", Diocletian, his co-ruler Maximian and their Caesars embracing,...

Fox with a basket of grapes.                           
Mosaic (536 CE) from the church of                     
Saint George on Mount Nebo, Jordan,                    
signed by Naoumas, Kyriakos, and Thomas.               
90 x 90 cm

Fox with a basket of grapes. Mosaic (536 CE) from the...

Autumn. The seasons were often depicted                
as young women. Here they appear as "Tyche",           
a city goddess with crown. Mosaic from the             
Hall of Hypolitos, Madaba, Jordan (mid 6th)            
110 x 110 cm

Autumn. The seasons were often depicted as young women. Here the...

Dog pursuing a hare.                                   
Mosaic from the Church of Massuh,                      
Jordan, built under the Archbishop                     
Theodosius of Esbus (2nd half 6th)                     
89 x 187 cm

Dog pursuing a hare. Mosaic from the Church o...

Dove drinking water from a river.                      
Mosaic from the Hall of                                
Hypolitos, Madaba, Jordan.                             
Middle 6th                                             
70 x 70 cm

Dove drinking water from a river. Mosaic from the Hall of...

Young man swinging an incense burner.                  
Mosaic from Madaba, Jordan (mid 6th)                   
70 x 70 cm

Young man swinging an incense burner. Mosaic from Madaba, Jord...

Nativity, Baptism, and Crucifixion.                    
Ivory plaque

Nativity, Baptism, and Crucifixion. Ivory plaque

A lion attacks a deer.                                 
Marble relief from an                                  
ambo (altar).

A lion attacks a deer. Marble relief from an...

Saint Eudokia, Empress of Byzantium.                   
From the church of Lips Monastery,                     
now Fenasi Isa Mosque. End 10th-early 11th.            
Coloured stone inlay in marble.                        
H:66 cm      Inv.4309 T

Saint Eudokia, Empress of Byzantium. From the church of Lips...

Church of Casiseos and Amos, a Byzantine church
of the 4th or 5th century, on the slope from Mount
Nebo down to Wadi Afrit.
#080514 3

Church of Casiseos and Amos, a Byzantine church of the 4th or 5th century, on th...