
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Rekhmere inspects brickmaking and smelting workmen.    
Wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under     
Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Rekhmere inspects brickmaking and smelting workmen. Wallpainting in the tomb...

Rekhmere inspects woodcarvers and carpenters.          
Wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under     
Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Rekhmere inspects woodcarvers and carpenters. Wallpainting in the tomb...

Workmen carrying vases. A pond with clay for           
brickmaking. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb      
of Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs Thutmosis III   
and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE)         
in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Workmen carrying vases. A pond with clay for brickmaking. Detail of a...

Workmen loading and carrying materials.                
Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of                
Reckhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs                   
Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 16th-    
14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Workmen loading and carrying materials. Detail of a wallpainting...

Craftsmen laying bricks and building pylons.           
Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of                
Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs                    
Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 16th-    
14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Craftsmen laying bricks and building pylons. Detail of a wallpainting...

Craftsman laying bricks for a pylon. Detail of         
a wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier         
the Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II            
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Craftsman laying bricks for a pylon. Detail of a wallpainting in the to...

Workmen carrying building materials. Detail of a       
wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under     
the Pharaohs Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II   
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Workmen carrying building materials. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb...

Craftsmen at temple building. Detail of a              
wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier           
under Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II          
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Craftsmen at temple building. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb...

Carpenters working with their tools. Detail of a       
wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under     
the Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II            
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Carpenters working with their tools. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb...

Carpenter at work. Detail of a wallpainting in         
the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs        
Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty,          
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery                         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Carpenter at work. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vi...

Carpenters at work. Detail of a wallpainting in        
the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs        
Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty,          
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery                         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Carpenters at work. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vi...

Vasemakers at work. Detail of a wallpainting in        
the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs        
Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty,          
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery                         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Vasemakers at work. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vi...