
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE,            
1st dynasty, Thinite period; found in the Serpent       
King's tomb in Abydos.Overall stele.
For detail see 08-01-22/26        
Sandstone, 143 x 65 x 25 cm                            
E 11007

Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE, 1st dynasty, Thinite pe...

Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE,            
1st dynasty, Thinite period found in the Serpent       
King's tomb in Abydos. Detail.For overall see 08-01-22/25       
Sandstone, 143 x 65 x 25 cm                            
E 11007

Stele of the Serpent King, around 3000 BCE, 1st dynasty, Thinite pe...

Chair with blue legs, New Kingdom.                     
Legs in form of a lion's paw, back with incrustation   
of Lotus flowers.                                      
Wood and incrustations,paint, 91 x 47,5 x 59 cm        
N 2950

Chair with blue legs, New Kingdom. Legs in form of a lion's...

Stele of Nefertiabet,daughter or sister of the         
Pharaoh Cheops,dressed in a leopard's skin.            
4th dynasty,around 2620-2500 BCE.From Gizeh.           
Painted plaster,52,5 x 37,7 cm                         
E 15591

Stele of Nefertiabet,daughter or sister of the Pharaoh Cheops,dressed i...

Mudstone cosmetic palette,late pre-dynastic period,
around 3100 BCE, from Amra.Two birds' heads,one broken,
may have had a religious or protective meaning through
their association with animal-headed deities.The raised
relief symbol on this palette is that of the god Min.
EA 35501

Mudstone cosmetic palette,late pre-dynastic period, around 3100 BCE, from Amra....

Female torso, probably Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh
Amenophis IV Akhnaton (1365-1347 BCE).
18th Dynasty (16th-14th BCE),
New Kingdom, Egypt.
Quartzite,H:29 cm
E 25 409

Female torso, probably Nefertiti, wife of Pharaoh Amenophis IV Akhnaton (1365-1...

"Palermo stone",one of five kept in Palermo,Cairo and  
the Petrie Collection in London.All are part of a      
rectangular stele of black amphibole diorite with names
of pre-dynastic rulers,levels of Nile floods and royal 
protocols.It predates Seti I's Kings'list in Abydos.

"Palermo stone",one of five kept in Palermo,Cairo and the Petrie Collection in...

Seated statue of Nynofretmin,4th dynasty,2500 BCE.The
lady Ninofretmin is seated on a cube-shaped chair with a
high back.Such statues provided a place for the spirit,or ka,
of the deceased person,should the body be destroyed.The
large feet,short neck and heavy features are typical of
statues of the Old Kingdom,as are the traces of yellowish-
brown skin colour traditionally used for female figures. EA,65430

Seated statue of Nynofretmin,4th dynasty,2500 BCE.The lady Ninofretmin is seate...

Limestone statue of Nenkheftka,5th dynasty,2400 BCE.
The rendering of the facial features and the detailing of the
wig make this a masterpiece of Egyptian sculpture. It comes
from Nenkheftka's tomb at Deshasha,where only the statue
chamber has survived.Such statues placed in tombs were
intended to keep  the memory of the deceased person alive.

Limestone statue of Nenkheftka,5th dynasty,2400 BCE. The rendering of the facia...

Limestone frieze of men and boys,6th dynasty,2300 BCE.
Divided into three registers,all quite different:at the top are
boatbuilders,at the bottom harvesting scenes (left) and
fishing (right).Center register at left musicians and some boys with sticks,one of whom wears a unique lion mask.The
scene may be a protective rite, a harvest rite or perhaps a rite which took place at the onset of puberty.

Limestone frieze of men and boys,6th dynasty,2300 BCE. Divided into three regis...

Painted wooden statue of an official,Late Old Kingdom,
around 2250 BCE.A young man with a short,curled wig and a
linen kilt,he holds the characteristic posture of male standing figures with staff in hand and left leg forward.Such
figures were made as a substitute body for the spirit to
inhabit,should the mummy decompose or be destroyed.

Painted wooden statue of an official,Late Old Kingdom, around 2250 BCE.A young...

Wooden models showing bakers at work, 12th dynasty,
around 1900 BCE.The faces of the men are carefully painted
with intent expressions.Muscles on the rear figure show the effort of kneading;the foremost figure shields his face against the heat when he pokes the fire with a metal prod.
Models were placed in tombs so that the process be continued throughout eternity. From Asyut.

Wooden models showing bakers at work, 12th dynasty, around 1900 BCE.The faces o...