Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Hieroglyphs and the casket for the soul. Limestone bas-relief nea...
Surrounding area of the White Chapel of Karnak, dedicated to Amon-Min, i...
Ka leading Sesostris I to Amon-Min, god of fertility. Limestone bas-relief and...
Triumphal inscription of Sheshonk I, Pharaoh Shischak of the Bible OT, commemo...
Sheshonk I, Pharaoh Shischak of the Bible OT, holding Semitic prisoners by the...
The Goddess of Theban Nome (province) with club, bow and quiver, leads rows o...
Commemoration of the victory of Sheshonk I, Pharaoh Shischak of the Bible, o...
Heads of captives. Commemoration of the victory of Sheshonk I, Pharaoh Shis...
Captured Canaanite towns. Inscriptions in commemoration of the victory of Shesho...
Sandstorm over Karnak.
Temple of Hathor, goddess of joy and love, Dendera, E...
Pharaoh Ptolemy XV,Caesarion,son of Julius Caesar and Cleopatra,(second from ri...