
Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.

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1,561 photos
Male funeral mask from a sarcophagus.                  
Hardwood sculpture (11th-8th BCE)                      
3rd Intermediate Period, Egypt.                        
E 14219
#080107 1

Male funeral mask from a sarcophagus. Hardwood sculpture (11th...

Priest. Granite head, Saitic.                          
26th Dynasty (664-525 BCE)                             
Late Period, Egypt.                                    
E 25577
#080107 2

Priest. Granite head, Saitic. 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC...

Pharaoh Apries (588-567 BCE).                          
Head, basalt sculpture,                                
26th Dynasty, Late Period, Egypt
#080107 3

Pharaoh Apries (588-567 BCE). Head, basalt sculpture,...

Pharaoh Shabaka (Sebichos)                             
(713-698 BCE). Head.                                   
25th Dynasty, Late Period.                             
AF 6639
#080107 4

Pharaoh Shabaka (Sebichos) (713-698 BCE). Head....

Head of a girl swimmer. Top of a cosmetics spoon.      
Wood, 18th Dynasty (1555-1530 BCE), New Kingdom,       
E 17 215
#080107 5

Head of a girl swimmer. Top of a cosmetics spoon. Wood, 18th Dynasty (1555...

Head of an official.                                   
Terracotta sculpture,                                  
New Kingdom (1555-1080 BCE)                            
#080107 6

Head of an official. Terracotta sculpture,...

Foreigners implore a royal servant.
Relief from the tomb of Horemheb at Memphis.
#080107 7

Foreigners implore a royal servant. Relief from the tomb of Horemheb at Memphis...

Canaanite prisoners led away in manacles. Bas relief from the tomb of the ViceroyBiban al Muluk (1350-1315 BCE)
#080107 8

Canaanite prisoners led away in manacles. Bas relief from the tomb of the Vicero...

Offering scene.                                        
Sandstone bas-relief, 19th Dynasty                     
(1305-1196 BCE), New Kingdom,                          
#080107 9

Offering scene. Sandstone bas-relief, 19...

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man.              
Bas-relief on a limestone stele, H:18 cm                      
19th Dynasty (1305-1196 BCE),                          
New Kingdom, Egypt.                                    
N 522

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man. Bas-relief on a limesto...

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man, hunting.
Limestone bas-relief,
19th Dynasty (1305-1196 BCE),
New Kingdom, Egypt.
N 524

Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE) as a young man, hunting. Limestone bas-relief, 19th Dy...

God Ptah, patron deity of craftsmen, with worshipper.  
Limestone bas-relief, reverse side of a stele          
with young Ramses II (1290-1224 BCE), 19th Dynasty     
(1305-1196 BCE), New Kingdom, Egypt.                   
N 524

God Ptah, patron deity of craftsmen, with worshipper. Limestone bas-relief, re...