Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Fragment of a water gauge. Late Period (713-332 BCE...
Ell (measure). Wood. Late Period (713-332 BCE...
Ell (measure). Wood. Late Period (713-332 BCE...
The creation of the world. The Book of the Dead by Chensumose, a priest...
The Djed-pillar (consistency) with Ka and Ankh (life). Book of the Dead by Chen...
Chensumose, 3 demons with knives, tethered donkey. Book of the dead by Chen...
Anubis cares for mummy in front of a sepuchral pyramid. Book of the Dead by Chen...
The deceased sails through the Underworld. Book of the Dead by Chensumos...
Tree-goddess Nut offers food and drink to the deceased. The Book of the Dead by...
The Holy Lake, turning point for the deceased in the Underworld. The Book of...
Tree-goddess offers vivifying waters to the deceased. Mural from the tomb of K...
The deceased in the Underworld. The Book of the Dead by Anier. Papyrus....