Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Female servant grinding corn. Limestone statuette from...
Servant kneeling and grinding corn. Wood, 12th Dynasty (21st...
Kneeling male servant grinding corn. Painted wood figure (bef...
Beer brewers. Wood figurines,...
A house. Terracotta model, Middle Kingdom (2065-178...
"House of the Souls" for the deceased. Terracotta model, 1st In...
Tray for sacrificial offerings in the form of a house. baking oven,heaps of cor...
Tray for sacrificial offerings in the form of a house., baking oven, heaps of co...
Granary. Terracotta model. Middle Kingdom (2065-178...
Votive boat. Recovered from the bottom of the sea near Sharm el...
High official in a boat: The voyage through the Underworld....
Pharaoh offering a sacrific in the solar boat. Wood and fayence model,...