Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
The small Trajan Pavillion, Philae Island, Egypt. The pavillion faces the...
The small Trajan Pavillion, Philae Island, Egypt. The pavillion faces the...
Seheil-Island, South of Assuan, Egypt. Over 250 rock inscriptions have been f...
Seheil Island, South of Assuan, Egypt. Over 250 rock inscriptions have been f...
The "Famine Stele",although written in Ptolemaic times, tells of a seven-year fa...
Detail of the "Famine Stele" on Seheil Island, Egypt. Pharaoh Djozer (3rd Dyna...
Detail of the "Famine Stele" on Seheil Island, Egypt. Pharaoh Djozer (3rd Dyna...
Inscribed stones on Seheil Island, Egypt. Over 250 rock inscriptions have been f...
Inscribed stones on Seheil Island, Egypt. Over 250 rock inscriptions have surviv...
Elephantine Island in the Nile, opposite Assuan, Egypt. The ancient quay walls a...
Chapel Tombs of the Nobles. Middle Kingdom (2040-178...
Farmers at work, ploughing. Painted relief from one...