Birth and Death,Cult and Gods,Pharaos and Officials,Pyramids and Temples,Daily Life.
Columns in the hypostyle hall of the Hathor Temple in Dendera, built under...
Columns with Hathor capitals in the hypostyle hall, Temple of Hathor, Dender...
Columns with Hathor capitals in the hypostyle hall of the Hathor Temple in...
"Chapel of the Union with the Disk", on the roof of the Hathor Temple in in...
"Chapel of the Union with the Disk" on the roof of the Temple of Hathor, De...
The sacred lake, now a grove of palm trees, Hathor Temple, Dendera. The for...
The entrance to the upper chapel of the Hathor Temple at Dendera is flanked by...
Birth of the sun, from the upper chapel of the Hathor Temple at Dendera...
Chapel in the Hathor Temple in Dendera, with mural showing death rites. Mur...
Outer wall of the Temple of Hathor, Dendera: the goddess Hathor and her son, th...
The goddess Hathor leads Ptolemy Xv Caesarion,son of Julius Caesar and Cleopa...
Cleopatra and Ptolemy XVth Caesarion,son of Julius Caesar and Cleopa...