

171 photos
The Adoration of the Magi. Attendant on horseback      
with the Patriarch's gift for the new-born Christchild.
Fresco (1459)

The Adoration of the Magi. Attendant on horseback with the Patriarch's gif...

Die Heilige Nacht. Holy Night. Triptych, left          
shutter: the shepherds (133.5 x 49 cm); right shutter:       
singing angels (133.5 x 49 cm); centre: Nativity       
(134 x 117 cm).                                        
Inv. 2417, 2418, 2419

Die Heilige Nacht. Holy Night. Triptych, left shutter: the shepherds...

Nativity and shepherds
Gospel Lectionary
France [Paris]; end of 13th century
Add. 17341, f.10v

Nativity and shepherds Gospel Lectionary France [Paris]; end of 13th century...