79 photos
Mendicant friar. 
9th century. Ink, gold and colors on silk. 
From Gansu province, Dunhuang, Grotte Magao (China).

Mendicant friar. 9th century. Ink, gold and colors on silk. From Gansu provi...

Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia giving to the poor. Detail from the    
shrine of Saint Elisabeth, Margravine of Thueringen.   
Gilded copper and enamel (1235-1250)                   
November 19th

Saint Elisabeth of Thuringia giving to the poor. Detail from the shrine of...

Almoner distributing bread to the poor. Christ giving  
his benediction. Illumination of majuscule A. From     
"Les Miracles de Notre Dame de Gautier de Colnay"      
MS 551, folio 10 verso.
#150203 4

Almoner distributing bread to the poor. Christ giving his benediction. Illumin...

The offering of the poor widow, Luke 21:1-4            
Jesus and an apostle                                   

The offering of the poor widow, Luke 21:1-4 Jesus and an apostle...

The poor widow before the collection box.              
Detail from the offering of the poor widow             
(15-03-02/18). One of the Parables of Jesus            
(Luke 21:1)                                            
Mosaic (6th)

The poor widow before the collection box. Detail from the offering...

A Hungarian nobleman accompanied by a student of the   
Academy for sons of the nobility "Theresianum", founded
by Empress Maria Theresia; a beggarwoman and her       
children. From a series of "Viennese types",           
around 1810

A Hungarian nobleman accompanied by a student of the Academy for sons of the...

Corridor in a shabby tenement building in Vienna.      
Such cheap apartment buildings went up to house the    
immigrant workers who flocked to the Austrian capital  
during the industrialization in the second half of the 
19th century. The water fountain served all tenants.

Corridor in a shabby tenement building in Vienna. Such cheap apartment bui...

Grand'Salle or Hall of the Poor, Hotel-Dieu; the hall  
is 52 m long. Behind the row of beds is the chapel.    
The Hotel-Dieu was built by Nicolas Rolin, chancellor  
of the Dukes of Burgundy.

Grand'Salle or Hall of the Poor, Hotel-Dieu; the hall is 52 m long. Behind the...

Trait d'humanite de Louis XVI - Le Roi distribuant des aumones aux habitants de Versailles pendant l'hiver 1784.
Canvas, 61 x 83 cm
The kindness of Louis XVI - The King distributes alms to the inhabitants of Versailles during the winter of 1784.
Painted 1785.

Trait d'humanite de Louis XVI - Le Roi distribuant des aumones aux habitants de...

"La Liberte" -Liberty.

"La Liberte" -Liberty.

One-eyed beggar with peg-leg.                          
Grotesque figurine, 1725                               

One-eyed beggar with peg-leg. Grotesque figurine, 1725...

Boccaccio (French translation Laurent de Premierfait). 
The Book of Noble Men and Women,France,1465.           
Book III,MS 860/401,fol.76                             
Fortune and Poverty.

Boccaccio (French translation Laurent de Premierfait). The Book of Noble Men an...