Tomb of Tutankhamun (1346-1337 BCE). Valley of the Kings, The...
Monkeys. Wallpainting in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankha...
Tutankhamun (1345-1337) as god Ihy playing the sistrum. Statue of wood, bitume...
Elephantine Island as seen from the Cataract Hotel, Assu...
House and mausoleum of the Aga Khan,...
Sailboats near Elephantine Island, Assuan, Egypt.
Rock tombs on the west bank of the Nile near Assuan, Egypt. The coffins were dra...
Temple of Isis, Philae, Egypt. In 1896,the island of Philae was flooded behin...
Temple of Isis, Philae, Egypt. In 1896,the island of Philae was flooded behin...
Temple of Isis, Philae, Egypt. In 1896,the island of Philae was flooded behin...
Divers recover a stone from the temple of Augustus on the isle of Philae,flood...
Temple of Isis, Philae, Egypt. In 1896,the island of Philae was flooded behin...