Reconstruction in situ of a 23rd Dynasty tomb (9th-8th BCE). Joseph Do...
Chief Inspector of Antiquities in Luxor helping to remove a Nilometer from...
Street scene in a village on the banks of the Nile. Egypt
Street scene in a village on the banks of the Nile. Egypt
Men smoking a narghile pipe in Kuft, a village on the Nile, Egypt
Men smoking a narghile pipe in Kuft, a village on the Nile, Egypt
Wake in Kuft, a village on the banks of the Nile, Egypt
Village funeral near the Tombs of the Nobles. West bank of the Nile, T...
Tomb guardian - Assuan, Egypt
Sheikh Ali. One of the discoverers (1926-1927) of the tomb...
God Nile. Bronze sculpture, Late Period (8th-4th BCE...
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Lake Nasser, the 300 km long artificial lake behind the new High Dam South of As...