Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests
The burial of the Count of Orgaz, 1586-1588. Oil on canvas, 480 x 360 cm. Detai...
The burial of the Count of Orgaz, 1586-1588. Oil on canvas, 480 x 360 cm. Detai...
Friar Pedro clubs El Maragato with the butt of the gun, 1806. Oil on panel, 30....
Friar Pedro wrests the gun from El Maragato, 1806. Oil on panel, 30.3 x 39.9 cm...
#391910 8
Jerome (347-420), Saint, Father of the Church. From a series of 28 portraits, p...
La Vierge et l'Enfant entre saint Jérome et saint Grégoire le grand. Around 15...
Saint Francois d'Assise en oraison devant un crucifix - Saint Francis of Assisi...
Saint Bruno prend l'habit monastique - Saint Bruno invested with the habit of th...
Le pape Victor III confirme l'institution des Chartreux - Pope Victor III confir...
Saint Bruno recoit un messager du pape - Saint Bruno receiving a messenger of th...
Saint Bruno aux pieds du pape Urbain II - Saint Bruno at the feet of pope Urban...
Saint Bruno refuse l'archevêché de Reggio que lui offre Urbain II - Saint Bruno...