
Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests

675 photos
The legend of Emperor Constantine the Great            
from the choir screen of Cologne Cathedral:Disputation 
of Pope Sylvester with the jews;Constantine crowns     
Sylvester with the papal tiara; The baptism of         
Emperor Constantine.   See also 40-03-07/5,6
#400307 7

The legend of Emperor Constantine the Great from the choir screen of...

Chartres Cathedral, south porch, bay of the martyrs.   
From left to right: Saint Maurice, Saint Stephen in    
deacon's robes, Saint Clement, pope, Saint Lawrence    
as deacon. On the pedestals, symbols of their          

Chartres Cathedral, south porch, bay of the martyrs. From left to right: Sain...

Tomb of Prince-bishop Rudolf von Scherenberg           
(1401-1495). Elected at age 65 and expected to         
make room for a younger man soon, he surprised his     
chapter by reigning for 29 years.                      
Red marble, around 1500.

Tomb of Prince-bishop Rudolf von Scherenberg (1401-1495). Elected at...

Saint Fridolin, abbot of Saeckingen (left), with       
the dead he resurrected. Saint Othmar, abbot           
of Sankt Gallen,Switzerland (right).                   
Inv. D 207 A-B

Saint Fridolin, abbot of Saeckingen (left), with the dead he resurrected....

Construction of the Abbey of Saint Bertin at           
St.Omer (France). Door of the treasury.                
France-Nord, first third 15th.                         
Inv. D 94

Construction of the Abbey of Saint Bertin at St.Omer (France). Door o...

Le Mariage par procuration de Marie de Medicis et      
d'Henri IV a Florence le 5 Octobre 1600. 1622-1625     
Canvas,394 x 295 cm                                    

Le Mariage par procuration de Marie de Medicis et d'Henri IV a Florence le...

Le Couronnement de Marie de Medicis a St.Denis,        
le 13 mai 1610. 1622-1625                              
Canvas,394 x 727 cm                                    

Le Couronnement de Marie de Medicis a St.Denis, le 13 mai 1610. 1622-162...

Ansegius and Saint Bega, daughter of king Pippin,      
wife of Ansegius. After the death of her husband       
she founded the monastery of Andenne and became abbess.
Oakwood, 94 x 76 cm                                    

Ansegius and Saint Bega, daughter of king Pippin, wife of Ansegius. After...

Cardinal Bernhardus Clesius (1485-1539).               
On table-bell and signet ring the arms of the Cardinal.
Oakwood, 62,8 x 44,7 cm                                
Inv. 977
#400403 3

Cardinal Bernhardus Clesius (1485-1539). On table-bell and signet...

Hieronymusaltar,detail,1511. Saint Jerome and the lion,
(center panel).Donors;scenes from the legend of        
Saint Jerome:the lion carries wood for the monks;      
the donkey returns with the caravan;Jerome penitent.   
Oakwood,176,5 x 113cm Inv.867

Hieronymusaltar,detail,1511. Saint Jerome and the lion, (center panel).Donors;sc...

Hieronymusaltar,detail,1511. Fathers of the Church:    
(inner panels,left,inside):Saints Ambrose,Gregory    
and Augustinus.                                        
Oakwood, 144 x 75,5 cm                                 
Inv. 867                                               
Saint Ambrose Dec.7th
Saint Gregory March 12th
Augustinus August 28th

Hieronymusaltar,detail,1511. Fathers of the Church: (inner panels,left,insi...

Hieronymusaltar,detail,1511;Saint Martin of Tours (?), 
and Saint Dorothy (inner panels,outside,right).        
Oakwood, 175 x 44,5 cm                                 
Inv. 867

Hieronymusaltar,detail,1511;Saint Martin of Tours (?), and Saint Dorothy (inner...