Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests
In 1497 Signorelli began painting the Vita of Saint Benedict da Nurcia as to...
Pope Leo the Great faces Attila the Hun (452 CE) Bozzetto,canvas,50 x 66...
Frescos on the outside of the oratorium "Dei Disciplini" in Clusone n...
Saint Nicholas of Bari. Wood,goldground,126 x 44...
Prince Archbishop Sigmund Count Schrattenbach, Aechbishop of Salzburg...
Prince-archbishop Hieronymus Count Colloredo (1732-1812) of Salzburg....
Le Christ et la femme adultere - Christ and the adulteress....
La Nef de Fous - The ship of fools,ca 1500. Wood, 58 x 32,5 cm R.F. 2218
L'excommunication de Robert le Pieux. The excommunication of R...
Procession at Penmarch (Finistere). Oil on canvas (1900)...
Le Saint Viatique en Bourgogne. Oil on canvas (1879)...
Le chateau des Papes, Avignon, 1900. The Papal castle at Avig...