Clergy: Popes, Cardinals, Bishops and Priests
Scene from Saint Bernardino's life. Detail. Tempera on wood...
Scene from Saint Bernardino's life. Tempera on wood...
Coronation of Emperor Charles V (1519-1556) by Pope Clemens VII.(1478-1534) in...
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Der Heilige Hain (1882).
Industriebauern. Oil and collage on wood...
Pastor Kol (1932). Oil on canvas
Kardinal und Nonne - "Liebkosung" - Cardinal and nun, caress....
Lying in state of Prince Milan Obrenovic. By Jovan Isajlovic (1803...
Der Leichenzug, Widmung an Oskar Panizza The funeral, dedicated t...
Memory and the Pilgrim Les Trois Pelerinages Circa 1400 Add.38120 f.73
Monk drinking from barrel Li Livres dou Santé France, late 13th century Sloa...
Marriage of King John I of Portugal to Philippa of Lancaster, in 1387. Chroniqu...