#300505 3
Challah cover, to cover the traditional Jewish braided bread during the...
#300505 4
Sabbath cloth, a table cloth used during the Sabbath dinner, the festive meal...
#300505 7
Spice box (Besonim box) used in the Havdalah, the separation ceremony whic...
#300505 8
Sabbath cloth, a table cloth used during the sabbath dinner, the festive meal...
Chanukkah lamp and quilted picture of Adam, Eve and the snake. Chanukkah is...
Dreidels, spinning tops, are used in a traditional game at Chanukkah, the F...
Embroidered wallhanging for Purim, the Jewish holiday commemorating the salvat...
Purim plate, used for the exchange of food among friends and neighbours d...
Grogger, a Purim-rattle with which noise is made in the synagogue during...
Megillat Esther, the biblical Book Esther read during the Purim festival. Quee...
Megillat Esther, a scroll with the biblical story of Queen Esther, read du...
Seder towel,for use after the ritual washing of hands during the Seder dinner....