63 photos
Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushtchev and Nikolai Bulganin        
visited Belgrade in May 1955.From l to r:Mikoyan,      

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushtchev and Nikolai Bulganin        
visited Belgrade in May 1955.From l to r:Mikoyan,      

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin         
visited Belgrade in May 1955.Khrushtchev at the Tomb   
of the Unknown Sodier in Belgrade,1955
#550302 7

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin         
visited Belgrade in May 1955.Mikoyan and Bulganin.

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin         
visited Belgrade in May 1955.Meeting between the       
Yugoslav and the Soviet delegation.Belgrade,1955

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin         
visited Belgrade in May 1955.From l to r:Mikoyan       

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the       
Soviet Union.A Soviet delegation including Anastas     
Mikoyan,Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin         
visited Belgrade in May 1955.From l to r:Khrushchev    
and Bulganin.

Reconciliation between Tito's Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union.A Soviet de...

The reconciliation between the Soviet Union and Tito's Yugoslavia in Belgrade: host Tito and his wife Jovanka, guests Nikita Khrushchev and Anastas Mikoyan, member of the Central Committee USSR.                         
Belgrade, March 1955

The reconciliation between the Soviet Union and Tito's Yugoslavia in Belgrade: h...

The reconciliation between the Soviet Union and Tito's 
Yugoslavia in Belgrade: host Tito and his wife Jovanka,
guests Nikita Khrushchev and Nikolai Bulganin,Prime-   
minister USSR.                                         
Belgrade, March 1955

The reconciliation between the Soviet Union and Tito's Yugoslavia in Belgrade:...

Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet       
Communist Party, during his first visit in Yugoslavia  
after the rupture with Tito. Khrushchev (left),        
Tito and his wife Jovanka.                             
Belgrade,March 1955

Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, during...

Summit Conference Geneva,1955:Participants:USA:Dwight
D.Eisenhower,John Foster Dulles;Soviet Union:Nikolai
Bulganin,Nikita Khushchev;France:Edgar Faure,Antoine
Pinay;GB:Anthony Eden,Harold Macmillan.The Soviet
delegation,led by Nikita Khrushchev and V.Molotov.

Summit Conference Geneva,1955:Participants:USA:Dwight D.Eisenhower,John Foster D...

Summit Conference Geneva,1955: At the conference       
table:Khrushchev (right) and Soviet Minister of        
Defense Marshall Zhukov.

Summit Conference Geneva,1955: At the conference table:Khrushchev (right)...