Scenes of workers and workshops.
Model of a grain storage house,with scribe noting entries. Four men carryi...
Model of a farmer ploughing with two oxen, ca.2000-1900 BCE Wood...
Detail from an illustration of shawl-weavers weaving shawls on a loom. Inscribed...
Baluchi snipers observing passing sepoys (Indian soldiers working in the British...
Animal merchant. Detail of the middle zone of the embossed and engraved sheet-b...
#030602 8
Meeting in a garden, 1595. A man,probably of royal or noble descent, sits on a t...
#030703 8
Workers entering a factory. Colour woodblock print; Japan, 19th century.
#030703 9
Rice planting during a summer shower. Sheet from the series "60 Famous Places i...
Emperor Kangxi (K'ang Hsi) inspecting the dams of the Yellow River. From the scr...
View of the harbour at Canton with foreign factories. China; 1767.
View of the harbour at Canton with foreign factories. China; 1767.
Moneylenders and their borrowers. From the Treatise of the Seven Vices. Illumina...