Scenes of workers and workshops.
Sugar-Hogsheads - Slaves loading barrels onto a boat. From "Ten Views in the Is...
The boiling-house. From "Ten Views in the Island of Antigua", which depicts the...
Curing-house and stills. From "Ten Views in the Island of Antigua", which depic...
Bazaar of the street leading to the Mosque El-Mooristan, Cairo. From "The Holy L...
#030805 3
View of the brewery Brauhaus Liesing near Vienna. Etching; 19th century.
Marienplatz square in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Canvas; 1843.
Loading of a steamship in Copenhagen harbour. Canvas; 1881.
New York Stock Exchange. Lithograph by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827) and August...
Poster "Buy Indian Tea" issued by the Empire Marketing Board, 20th century.
Carpenters and masons at work; this scene refers most probably to the constructi...
Rekhmere inspects brickmaking and smelting workmen. Wallpainting in the tomb...
Rekhmere inspects woodcarvers and carpenters. Wallpainting in the tomb...