Scenes of workers and workshops.
The Voyage to Punt: Egyptians carrying goods from Punt across the gang pla...
The Voyage to Punt: Egyptian sailors. Coloured limestone relie...
The Voyage to Punt: Sailors rowing, a monkey in the rigging. Coloured limest...
The Voyage to Punt: Sailors rowing. Coloured limestone relief in the...
Slaves loading wheat on a boat. Wallpainting from the to...
Farmhands in the fields. Wallpainting in the tomb of the Scrib...
Farmhands carrying cereals. Wallpainting in the tomb of the Scrib...
A baker kneading dough. 1st Intermediate Period...
Labours of the field. Clearing wood, plowing, etc. Mural from the tomb of M...
Field labourers ploughing by hand. Mural from the tomb of M...
Egyptian granary: square building, silo. Bookkeeper and worker....
A supply ship. On deck, the captain is haranguing a crew of Can...