

1,162 photos
The "sleeping woman of Malta".                         
Reclining female idol                                  
on a bed with four legs.                               
Terracotta, from the Hypogeum                          
near Tarxien, Malta. Length 16 cm
#070202 4

The "sleeping woman of Malta". Reclining female idol...

Rekhmere inspects woodcarvers and carpenters.          
Wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under     
Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty, 
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Rekhmere inspects woodcarvers and carpenters. Wallpainting in the tomb...

Carpenters working with their tools. Detail of a       
wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under     
the Pharaohs Thutmosis III and Amenophis II            
(18th Dynasty, 16th-14th BCE), in the cemetery         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Carpenters working with their tools. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb...

Carpenter at work. Detail of a wallpainting in         
the tomb of Rekhmere, vizier under the Pharaohs        
Thutmosis III and Amenophis II (18th Dynasty,          
16th-14th BCE) in the cemetery                         
of Sheikh Abd al-Qurnah.

Carpenter at work. Detail of a wallpainting in the tomb of Rekhmere, vi...

Armchair of Satamon, sister of Tutankhamun,            
from the tomb of Youya and Thouyou, Thebes.            
1365 BCE, New Kingdom

Armchair of Satamon, sister of Tutankhamun, from the tomb of Youya a...

Armchair of the infant king Tutankhamun                
from the tomb of Tutankhamun,                          
Valley of the Kings, Thebes.                           
1350 BCE, New Kingdom

Armchair of the infant king Tutankhamun from the tomb of Tutankh...

An official seated on a chair,                         
from Amarna.                                           
1340 BCE, New Kingdom,                                 
Tutankhamun Period.                                    
Height: 18 cm

An official seated on a chair, from Amarna....

Isis on a throne, suckling the child Horus.            
Bronze, 26th Dynasty (664-525 BCE),                    
Late Period, Egypt. See also 08-01-09/67               
Height 23 cm

Isis on a throne, suckling the child Horus. Bronze, 26th Dynasty (66...

Bread loaves on a small table.                         
From the tomb of Architect Kha                         
- under Amenophis III (1411-1375 BCE) -                
at Deir el-Medina, Egypt.                              
18th Dynasty, New Kingdom.

Bread loaves on a small table. From the tomb of Archite...

Coffer with small vases of glass, alabaster, ceramics  
from the tomb of architect Kha - under Amenophis III   
(1411-1375 BCE) - at Deir el-Medina, Egypt.            
18th Dynasty, New Kingdom.

Coffer with small vases of glass, alabaster, ceramics from the tomb of archite...

Isis on a throne, nursing the child Horus.             
Bronze, 26th Dynasty (664-525 BCE),                    
Late Period, Egypt.                                    
Height 23 cm

Isis on a throne, nursing the child Horus. Bronze, 26th Dynasty (66...

Isis on a throne with the child Horus on her knees.    
26th Dynasty (664-525 BCE), Late Period, Egypt.

Isis on a throne with the child Horus on her knees. 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC...