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4 photos
Ulysses sacrificing. Bas-relief from an                
Etruscan sarcophagus, Pepper-tree wood.                
Probably copy of a 5th BCE painting.                   
92.5 x 81 cm                                           
Torre San Severo, Italy

Ulysses sacrificing. Bas-relief from an Etruscan sarcophagus, Pe...

Ulysses threatening Circe. Bas-relief from             
an Etruscan sarcophagus, Pepper-tree wood.             
Probably a copy of a 5th BCE painting.                 
92.5 x 81 cm                                           
Torre San Severo, Italy

Ulysses threatening Circe. Bas-relief from an Etruscan sarcophagus,...

Ulysses threatening Circe.                             
Relief on the sidepanel of a sarcophagus.              
Pepper-tree wood (4th BCE)                             
from Torre San Severo, Italy                           
See also 10-01-03/52-54

Ulysses threatening Circe. Relief on the sidepanel...

Ulysses sacrificing a ram.                             
Bas-relief on the sidepanel of a sarcophagus.          
Pepper-tree wood (4th BCE)                             
from Torre San Severo, Italy                           
See also 100103/52-54

Ulysses sacrificing a ram. Bas-relief on the sidep...