Zeus and the cow Io. At Zeus' feet, the dead hundred-eyed Argos, who...
Athena with shield and helmet. Black-figured prize-amph...
A pair of boxers. Black-figured prize amphora for the Panathen...
Hunting hares: the old hunter. Black-figured Attic leky...
Hunting hares: the young hunter. Reverse side of 10-03-02...
Maenad pouring a libation. Black-figured amphora Inv. IV 196
Maenad and libation amphora. Reverse side of 10-03-02...
A couple fishing with net and fishing rod. Red-figured Attic pelike...
Young man with fishing nets. Reverse side of 10-03-02...
#100303 1
Hoplites (heavily armed Greek infantrymen) put on their armour....
#100303 2
Hoplites (heavily armed Greek infantrymen) put on their armour....
#100303 3
Two men drinking, two making music. Overall view of a banque...