Reclining figure of the defunct. Terracotta lid of a cine...
Eros-boy with dog. Amber (1st half 2nd CE)...
Persephone-Kore. Marble...
The Amazonian sarcophagus depicts the battle between the Greek heroes...
The Amazonian sarcophagus depicts the battle between the Greek heroes...
The genius of Death, Roman copy of a Hellenistic original....
Theatrical masks. Marble Inv. I 119
Funeral urn. A couple and child playing a game of draughts....
Funeral relief of Dionysos and Melitine, end 2nd BCE Eastern Greece; marble...
Dionysos and Ariadne, 2nd half 2nd century CE Marble Inv. I 212
The rape of Persephone, Zeus' daughter. She is abducted by Hades and ca...
Goddess Athena. Marble bust (2nd-1st BCE...