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Mother and Child


1,199 photos
The filled-in Sacred Lake and the Agora of the         
Italiotes, Delos. According to myth, this is the       
place where Leto, pursued by Hera, gave birth to       
Apollo and Artemis

The filled-in Sacred Lake and the Agora of the Italiotes, Delos. Accord...

Tombs of the Hyperborean Virgins, Delos, who           
assisted at the birth of Apollo and Artemis.

Tombs of the Hyperborean Virgins, Delos, who assisted at the birth of...

Landscape near Thebes, the so-called Field of Cadmus,  
founder of Thebes. According to Greek myths, Cadmus    
sowed the Giants here.
#010102 8

Landscape near Thebes, the so-called Field of Cadmus, founder of Thebes. Accor...

Mount Kyllene, Arcadia, the legendary birthplace of    

Mount Kyllene, Arcadia, the legendary birthplace of Hermes.

Landscape with Mount Dikte in background, Crete.       
Zeus is said to have been born in a cave on Dikte.     
His cradle was hung in a tree to hide him from his     
father Kronos.

Landscape with Mount Dikte in background, Crete. Zeus is said to have bee...

Landscape with Mount Dikte in background, Crete.       
Zeus is said to have been born in a cave on Dikte.     
His cradle was hung in a tree to hide him from his     
father Kronos.

Landscape with Mount Dikte in background, Crete. Zeus is said to have bee...

The Dictean Cave, Crete. Zeus is said to have been born in a cave on Mount Dikte. His cradle was hung in a tree to hide him from his father Kronos. See also 01-01-02/55.

The Dictean Cave, Crete. Zeus is said to have been born in a cave on Mount Dikte...

The Dictean Cave. Crete. Zeus is said to have been born in a cave on Mount Dikte. His cradle was hung in a tree to hide him from his father Kronos. See also 01-01-02/55.

The Dictean Cave. Crete. Zeus is said to have been born in a cave on Mount Dikte...

Rocks of Aphrodite, Salamis. According to Greek myths, 
Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, was born here from the   
foam of the waves, hence her name "Venus Anadyomene".

Rocks of Aphrodite, Salamis. According to Greek myths, Aphrodite, goddess of be...

Temple of Hera on the island of Samos. According       
to Greek myths, Hera and Zeus spent their wedding      
night here which lasted 300 years.

Temple of Hera on the island of Samos. According to Greek myths, Hera and...

Hera Temple on Samos. Base of a column. The first      
temple dates from the 8th BCE. According to Greek      
myths, Hera and Zeus spent their wedding night on      
Samos, which lasted for 300 years. Three naves, sur-   
rounded by a double enclosure of 104 giant columns.

Hera Temple on Samos. Base of a column. The first temple dates from the 8t...

Ionic scrolls on a wall from the temple of Hera, island
of Samos, Greece. The first Hera sanctuary on Samos    
dates from the 8th BCE.The third was erected by Rhoikos
and Theodoros between 570 and 550 BCE. The temple's    
cella has three naves surrounded by 104 giant columns.

Ionic scrolls on a wall from the temple of Hera, island of Samos, Greece. The fi...