Old nurse sitting on a bench holding a baby in her lap. Terracotta f...
Young woman sitting on a bench with a foot-stool breast-feeding a baby. T...
Female servant sitting, feet on stool, holding a cup. Terracott...
Woman with little girl holding her chiton. Terracotta figurine (2nd...
Couple on a sofa. Terracotta figurines (late 1st BCE) from Myri...
Woman holding a swaddled child on her left arm. Terracotta figurine (1st...
Teacher and child. Terracotta figurine (2nd...
Two men and a woman on a bench playing trigonon. Terracotta group (end 1s...
"The Kiss". Terracotta group (1st BCE) from Myrina,...
Eros playing with a rabbit on a three-legged table. Terracotta group (1st BC...
Rider, terracotta figurine (1st-3rd CE, Roman Period)...
War elephant trampling on a Galatian warrior. Terracotta figurine (mid...