Oil lamp with handle (5th BCE). Terracotta with black gl...
Oil lamp. Clay with black glaze (2nd or 3rd quarter 5th...
Hermes, Euridice, Orpheus. Antique replica of a...
A person sitting and another standing. Farewell scene from a fu...
Asklepios and Hygiea before their faithful followers. Votive stone relief (end...
A procession of believers sacrifices to Demeter, goddess of the earth....
Mother, servant and two children on a funeral stele. Stone relief (6th-5th BC...
Baco, Sokrates, and Aristorike. Funeral stele. Stone relief....
Funeral stele for Phillis, daughter of Cleomedes. Stone relief (around 430...
The frieze of the Panathenean Games, known as "The Ergastines". Seventh block of...
Figurine of a small boy holding a bird. Upper part of a candelab...
Warrior with crested helmet, throwing his spear (spear missing), remains...