Woman holding a fruit. Soft limestone, from Cyprus, early 5th BCE...
Aphrodite gathers her veil, pink terracotta from Tyr. Jud 9,2
Cave of the nymphs. Nymphs, garland with rams'heads and rosettes. Late 2nd B...
A woman and a young girl. Late 2nd BCE
Sarcophagus of a couple ("Sarcophage des Epoux") from Cerveteri, where, rare in...
Sarcophagus of a couple ("Sarcophage des Epoux") from Cerveteri, where, rare in...
Sarcophagus of a couple ("Sarcophage des Epoux") from Cerveteri, where, rare in...
Emperor Claudius Germanicus (10 BCE-54 CE). Marble head...
Caesar Caligula. Marble bust, H: 47 cm...
Emperor Trajan (53 CE-117 CE). Marble bust Height 55 cm MA 1250
Emperor Marc Aurel Marble bust....
Emperor Theodosius II,Byzantine Emperor (408-450) Marble head Height 25 cm MA...