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The Borghese gladiator,found at Anzio,Italy around     
1610.Greek inscription on the body:"Agasias of Ephesos 
made it." ca.100 BCE.                                             
Pentelian marble,H:199 cm                              
MA 527

The Borghese gladiator,found at Anzio,Italy around 1610.Greek inscription...

Athlete pouring oil from a jug.In 1780,the sculptor    
Vincenzo Pacetti restored and completed this Roman     
copy of a Greek original,adding the right arm and the  
oil-jug,the left leg,the neck and the head of another  
antique statue.Borghese Coll.,marble,143 cm  Ma 387

Athlete pouring oil from a jug.In 1780,the sculptor Vincenzo Pacetti restore...

Victorious athlete.From an antique torso,Roman, 1st CE,
Pacetti,restorer of the Borghese Collection,formed a   
companion piece to the "athlete with the oil-jug",     
(10-04-05/37),adding legs,palm branch and part of the  
head. H:148 cm       Ma 375

Victorious athlete.From an antique torso,Roman, 1st CE, Pacetti,restorer of the...

The goddess Ceres.Roman statue of a goddess,Imperial   
period.Pacetti,restorer of the Borghese Collection,    
made her a Ceres,goddess of agriculture,by adding the  
sheaf of wheat,poppy and torch.The antique Roman head  
was also added. Marble,H:2,40 cm      Ma 670

The goddess Ceres.Roman statue of a goddess,Imperial period.Pacetti,restorer...

Rhyton with bull's head as a spout.Probably used on a  
late Roman fountain,the two drinking horns were added  
to Ceres (10-04-05/38)as horns of plenty by the        
Borghese restorers.Companion piece to 10-04-05/40.     
Marble,H:110 cm       Ma 224

Rhyton with bull's head as a spout.Probably used on a late Roman fountain,the...

Rhyton with bull's head as a spout.Probably used on a  
late Roman fountain,the two drinking horns were added  
to Ceres (10-04-05/38)as horns of plenty by the        
Borghese restorers.Companion piece to 10-04-05/39.     
Marble,H:110 cm       Ma 240

Rhyton with bull's head as a spout.Probably used on a late Roman fountain,the...

Pugilist.Bought by Marcantonio IV Borghese in 1781 as  
a companion piece to the "Discophore" (10-04-05/42).   
Pacetti,Borghese restorer,added the head,arms with     
protective leather strips and the legs.                
Marble,H:174 cm      Ma 68

Pugilist.Bought by Marcantonio IV Borghese in 1781 as a companion piece to the...

Discophore (the discus-thrower).Vincenzo Pacetti,      
chief restorer of the Borghese Collection,added an     
antique head,much restored,in 1781. Companion piece to 
the "pugilist" (10-04-05/41).                          
Marble,H:170 cm     Ma 89

Discophore (the discus-thrower).Vincenzo Pacetti, chief restorer of the Bo...

Wild boar.Bought by the Borghese family from the       
Della Porta Collection in 1796.Specialists today       
doubt the antiquity of the grey marble sculpture.The   
Della Portas were a family of sculptors,renown for     
their restorations.Grey marble,H:108 cm. Ma 1353

Wild boar.Bought by the Borghese family from the Della Porta Collection i...

Wounded Gaul.Roman copy of an original Greek bronze    
of the 2nd century BCE.Statues of Gauls appear in      
Greek art after the Galatians' invasion of Greece in   
280 BCE.    Alabaster, H:80 cm         Ma 324

Wounded Gaul.Roman copy of an original Greek bronze of the 2nd century BCE.S...

Head of Aphrodite.Roman copy of a Greek original of    
the 3rd or 2nd century BCE.Borghese Collection.        
Marble,H:31 cm.   Ma 571

Head of Aphrodite.Roman copy of a Greek original of the 3rd or 2nd century B...

Sarcophagus with garlands and scenes from the legend   
of Actaion.Left oval:Actaion,who has surprised the     
goddess Artemis in her bath,is attacked by his own     
pack of hounds.Right:putti pour water for Artemis.     
Marble,99 x 236 cm.Borghese Collection.  Ma 459

Sarcophagus with garlands and scenes from the legend of Actaion.Left oval:Act...