Lady with veil,mosaic from the Villa del Casale, Piazza Armerina,Sicily,I...
Two lovers,from the cubicle of erotic scenes, Villa del Casale,Piazza...
Laokoon mosaic,from the Villa del Casale,Sicily, Italy,3rd-4th CE.
Hunting stag with a net.Mosaic from the Villa del Casale,Piazza Armerina,S...
The Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the Villa del Casale,Piazza...
Ostriches. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory of the...
Stags and ostriches are brought aboard a ship. Detail of the Big Game H...
Merchantman (ship) which carries captured animals. Detail of the Big Game H...
Ostriches, stags, and other animals are carried ashore. Detail of the Big Game H...
Charging and discharging wild animals on a ship. Detail of the Big Game H...
An elephant is lead aboard a ship. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mo...
A bison is captured. Detail of the Big Game Hunt, mosaic in the ambulatory...