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40 photos
Cast of the skull-cap of the Peking Man                
excavated in 1966 at Chou-K'ou-Tien, China.            
Middle Pleistocene (Diluvium).                         
Height: 11.9 cm
#060101 2

Cast of the skull-cap of the Peking Man excavated in 1966 at Cho...

Cast of skull and lower jaw-bone of the                
Lan-T'ien ape-man found in excavations                 
at Lan-T'ien, Shensi, China, in 1963                   
and 1964.                                              
Height: 18 cm
#060101 3

Cast of skull and lower jaw-bone of the Lan-T'ien ape-man found...

Perforated stone axe                                   
from the mound of Nanking.                             
Excavated 1956 in Pei-Yin-Yang-Ying,                   
Kiang-Sou, China.                                      
Seize: 15 cm
#060101 4

Perforated stone axe from the mound of Nankin...

Fish spear and arrowhead                               
(late 4th or 3rd millenium BCE).                       
Excavated 1960 at Wu-Chiang,                           
Kiang-Sou, China.                                      
Length: 16.5 cm
#060101 5

Fish spear and arrowhead (late 4th or 3rd milleni...