Scenes from the life of Buddha. Stone, H: 11 cm, L: 37 c...
Devata and Bodhisattva, schist. 4th-5th CE...
Painted fragment, woman clad in a long, red robe. Gandhara-style, from Had...
Fragment of a frieze from the central step of a stair leading up to a stupa. L...
Departure. Stucco, Gandhara-style f...
Painted niche, stucco, with meditating Buddha, polychrome stucco, H: 30...
Bust of a Bodhisattva with gloriole. Limestone, H: 45 cm, L:...
Buddha of the "great miracle". Limestone with traces of...
Head of a Bodhisattva (or Buddha) Stucco, H: 14,5 cm, arou...
A flower-genius. Stucco, H: 55 cm...
Head of a god. Dried and painted clay. H: 37,3 cm, around 4th C...
Fragment of a supporting wall. Gandhara-style, School o...