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31 photos
A group of scribes copying the "Tao te king"           
and presenting it to the Emperor.

A group of scribes copying the "Tao te king" and presenting it to the...

Description of the travels of the Venetian Charles     
Magius. He arrives in Venice and is reconciled to      
his family. Text reads: "You planned evil, God         
turned it to good." Painting shows the house of his    
father, a garden, and the family at dinner.

Description of the travels of the Venetian Charles Magius. He arrives in Ve...

A meeting of the Grand Council of Venice presided      
by the Doge Sebastiano Venier, to celebrate the        
naval victory over the Turks at Lepanto, 1571.         
From the "Travels" of the Venetian Charles Magius      
MS 134

A meeting of the Grand Council of Venice presided by the Doge Sebastiano V...

Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots (1542-1587).           
Crayon (1559)

Mary Stuart, Queen of the Scots (1542-1587). Crayon (1559)

The future King Henry IV of France (1553-1610)         
at the time of his marriage to Margaret of Valois.     

The future King Henry IV of France (1553-1610) at the time of his marri...

Return of Louis XVI to Paris,october 6,1789.
His coach is passing the Place de la Concorde.
British coloured engraving.

Return of Louis XVI to Paris,october 6,1789. His coach is passing the Place de...

"La Liberte" -Liberty.

"La Liberte" -Liberty.

The Opening of the Estates General at Versailles,      
May 5,1789.

The Opening of the Estates General at Versailles, May 5,1789.

The night of August 4,1789 at the Assemblee Nationale: 
The assembly decrees an end to all privileges.         
Colour engraving.

The night of August 4,1789 at the Assemblee Nationale: The assembly decrees an...

The Parisian women march upon Versailles,              
October 5, 1789. Coloured engraving.

The Parisian women march upon Versailles, October 5, 1789. Coloure...

Text and music of the "Marseillaise",published in      
London 1792.                                           
Coloured engraving

Text and music of the "Marseillaise",published in London 1792....

A meeting of the Jacobin Club in January 1792.

A meeting of the Jacobin Club in January 1792.