Clay "moon-idol" with four long necks and antlered anima...
Clay "moon-idol". Double-headed animal, from a tumulus near Sopr...
Clay dish with geometric design from Goesen, Upper Austr...
Clay dish with geometric design from Goesen, Upper Austr...
Small fluted glass bowls from the graves 502 and 733,...
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Cuff-sized iron bracelet from Crnomelj, Slovenia
Male head. Cast bronze
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"Glockenbecher", a bell-shaped goblet which gave its name to a culture of the...
Embossed belt made of sheet-bronze, from tomb 795,...
Circles of flowers and animals, embossed bronze lid of a situla, from tomb 6...
Stags and griffins, embossed on the lid of a situla from tomb 696, Hallstatt...
Bovine animal. Small bronze statue. From tomb 507, Hallstatt...