Fragment of a water gauge. Late Period (713-332 BCE...
Ell (measure). Wood. Late Period (713-332 BCE...
Ell (measure). Wood. Late Period (713-332 BCE...
Tree-goddess offers vivifying waters to the deceased. Mural from the tomb of K...
The deceased in the Underworld. The Book of the Dead by Anier. Papyrus....
A Nubian and an Asiatic prisoner fettered at the elbows....
Ritual slaughter of a bull. Mural from the tomb of high of...
Shepherd Anier with his donkey. Mural from the tomb of the high officia...
Sacrifice of an oxen. Mural from the tomb of the high official Iti...
#080109 4
Amenophis II (1439-1413 BCE). Red granite, partly dama...
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Pharaoh Thutmosis I (1508-1493 BCE). Black granite, 18th Dyna...
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Thutmosis I (1530-1520 BCE) as conqueror: feet resting on 9 arche...