Isis on a throne, nursing the child Horus. Bronze, 26th Dynasty (66...
Isis on a throne with the child Horus on her knees. 26th Dynasty (664-525 BC...
Snake. Bronze figure, 26th Dynasty (7th-6th BCE), Late Peri...
A rat. Bronze votive statuette, 26th Dynasty (664-52 BCE...
Bust of Pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1490-1436 BCE). Black basalt, 18th Dynas...
Sebekemsauf, "The Speaker of Thebes". Granite statue (around 1...
Head of a tall ibis-statue. The ibis was the holy animal of Toth, god...
Horus and Pharaoh Horemheb, last ruler of the 18th dynasty. Horemheb was n...
Tomb stele of the sisters Keti and Senet. The sisters stand befor...
Relief of Cheti. The son of Cheti and his wife offer a rich funerary m...
Harpocrates, Ibis and Horus. Ibis, the sacred animal of the god Toth, stands...
Two otters. The animals'upright position when scenting was mistaken by the Egyp...