Gods of the Underworld in a boat. Wooden panel from an Egy...
Ouadjet eye, the Sacred Eye of Horus. Faience fragment...
Ouadjet eye, the Sacred Eye of Horus; Uraeus snake and falcon (Horus)....
Swimming girl. Wooden statuette,...
Votive boat. Recovered from the bottom of the sea near Sharm el...
High official in a boat: The voyage through the Underworld....
Pharaoh offering a sacrific in the solar boat. Wood and fayence model,...
Funeral boat. Painted wood (2100-2000 BCE), 11th Dynasty, Middle Kin...
Funeral boat. Painted wood,(2100-2000 BCE), 11th Dynasty, Middle Kin...
A supply ship. On deck, the captain is haranguing a crew of Can...
Fish of the Nile. Faience figure,...
Cosmetic Palette, Fish 3rd-4th Dynasty (2635-24...