4 subcategories


Father and Child




Mother and Child


1,197 photos
The Nativity, from the Verdun Altar.                   
Enamel plaque in champleve technique                   
on gilded copper (begun 1181)

The Nativity, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in chample...

The Adoration of the Magi, from the Verdun Altar.      
Enamel plaque in champleve technique on gilded         
copper (begun 1181).

The Adoration of the Magi, from the Verdun Altar. Enamel plaque in champl...

Noah and his kin boarding the Ark.                     
Bas-relief from an early Christian                     
sarcophagus (6th CE)

Noah and his kin boarding the Ark. Bas-relief from an early...

The Wedding at Cana.                                   
Detail from the ciborium.                              
Alabaster high-relief                                  
probably Syriac

The Wedding at Cana. Detail from the ciborium...

Sacrifice of a cow, as an offering                     
after the annunciation of the birth of the Virgin Mary.                    
Detail from a column of the ciborium.                  
Alabaster high-relief, probably Syriac

Sacrifice of a cow, as an offering after the annunciation...

The Birth of Christ. Adoration of the animals,         
The infant Jesus in Swaddles.

The Birth of Christ. Adoration of the animals, The infant Jesus in Swad...

Blessing of water, changing it into wine.              
Detail of "The Wedding at Cana" from the              
back of the pulpit of Archbishop Maximian.             
Carved ivory plaque                                    
#150103 8

Blessing of water, changing it into wine. Detail of "The Wedding...

God locks the Ark. Detail of one of 54 scenes from     
the Old and New Testament, from a "paliotto", the      
decorated altar frontal.                               
Carved ivory plaque.

God locks the Ark. Detail of one of 54 scenes from the Old and New Testamen...

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark.                 
Bas-relief from a stone capital in Gerona

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark. Bas-relief from a stone...

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark.                 
Close-up of 15-01-03/50                                
Bas-relief on a stone capital in Gerona.

Noah's wife and sons entering the Ark. Close-up of 15-01-03/50...

Adam preparing food as Eve, in bed, nurses a child.    
Upper porch of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris              
Stone relief (mid 13th)

Adam preparing food as Eve, in bed, nurses a child. Upper porch of the Saint...

Noah and his family offering a holocaust.              
Upper porch of the Sainte Chapelle, Paris              
Stone relief (mid 13th)

Noah and his family offering a holocaust. Upper porch of the Saint...